The fastest-growing vegan demographic is African Americans. Wu-Tang Clan and other hip-hop acts paved the way.

Despite the rise of plant-based meat and “Veganuary,” only 3 percent of Americans are vegan. It’s more than double that for African Americans, and hip-hop celebrities have led the way.

Source: The fastest-growing vegan demographic is African Americans. Wu-Tang Clan and other hip-hop acts paved the way.

Should We Tax Meat and Dairy Like We Do Cigarettes? |

One of the most effective ways to decrease the harms of smoking is by increasing the cost of cigarettes through tobacco taxes. Indeed, an increase in the cost of cigarettes by only 10 percent could prevent millions of tobacco-related deaths. What about taxing unhealthy food? In general, public health decision makers

Source: Should We Tax Meat and Dairy Like We Do Cigarettes? |